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Registration of mandatory  Cli…
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This article describes how to register mandatory Clinical teaching ("Uketjenetse")

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Attendance must be registered for the whole group at once. If you participate on a Clinical teaching with a group you are not a member of, you have to make sure that group adds your name when registering their attendance. 

The application is made up of web pages optmized for smartphones and handheld devices with a touch screen. The application may be run on ordinary desktops but behaves better on a touch screen, see further down If using a device without touch screen for more information.

Normally one of the students in the group takes care of attendance registration.

When using a smart phone

Open a browser and go to Since you are on a smart phone Timepl@n sends you to the mobile friendly pages. Tap on Timepl@n and you will get your personal schedule for today.

Tap on the date button to choose another day if needed. Tap the checkbox "My timetable" to choose another semester. Tap on one of the lectures to see lecture details.

Check carefully that you are on the correct lecture and tap Register attendance.

Swipe left and right to browse lectures.

Lecturers and students that are members of the same group as the logged in user will be listed on the screen. Tap the names of the persons present and leave the names of absent persons unchecked.

It is possible to add extra lecturers and students that are not listed in Timepl@n.

NB Send a message to if permanent members of the group do not  show up in the list.

Show the screen to the lecturer that is going to sign and tap Save.

NB Participation on Clinical teaching with other groups than your own is not automatically accepted. Make an agreement with the administration if you need to participate with other groups.


The application requires that regitration of attendance is signed by a lecturer. Search for the name of the signer and choose the name from the list. If the name of the signer is not found in the list, write the complete name, then enter/return and accept. The name will appear on the screen as if picked from the list.

The lecturer signs by drawing with a finger on the screen. It is possible to restart the signign process by tapping on clear.

Tap Save registration.

If using a device without touch screen

It may be difficult to browse lists. Try to click in the list and drag. Think of using the mouse as if it where a finger on a touch screen. Signing is difficult with a mouse...

How to correct attendance registration

Attendance can only be registered once per group and lecture so be careful to get it right the first time.

If you get it wrong, follow the above procedure until you have located the lecture you need to correct. Tap on change registration and you will get a screen showing what was originally registered.  Tap on Send registration/correction by mail.

Write the necessary changes and tap on Save.

Only changes in attendance is needed since all lecture details will be automatically generated and sent by the application.


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